eiger from germany, 2008-06-14 20:25 hi oliver,
your remix of autumn lights is epic!
when will your finish your album? i'm really looking forward to it.
greets eiger
Elliott Poston from Midwest United States, 2008-04-21 00:03 I really enjoyed your radio show. Episode 24. Its fantastic. I'm not really a guest book signer, but I am a seasoned DJ and damn man....good job.
philby, 2008-04-20 06:41 hey dude
armin just played your remix of netherworld at armin only :D not bad hey
hope he repeats it in melbourne in june
michael from hannover, 2008-03-15 00:41 i heared your sound on fullmoon radio - super great job!!!
Pythagoraz from Denmark, 2007-12-12 05:32 Hi mate
i just stumbled upon your new mix here, and i must say that your DJ'ing is very tight!
I listened to the way you got our track into your mix and was blown away!
Good job!
Rasmus (TimeDrained)
Gnarlodious from Denver, 2007-08-29 15:48 Just discovered you a few weeks ago. Your compositions are amazing, you are inventing a new kind of music. Keep on mixing the major with the minor, the light with the dark, and the east with the west.
T.H., 2007-08-09 12:40 hi,
macht echt spaß deine show zu hören! ist wirklich anders als was man sonst so geboten kriegt. behalt deinen lockeren moderationsstil bei, der ist einfach richtig gut:)
freu mich aufs album...
p-URGE from Australia (kangaroos), 2007-05-18 03:36 Hi Oliver,
I am from Augsburg - Germany living for 20 years in Australia now.
Thank you for the reply to the Abelton thread in the JOOF Forum.
I appreciate that you made the time and the effort to elaborate and would appreciate if we could keep up conversation on a one to one basis on technical and musical issues. Regardless, nice to have made your aquaintence and my best wishes for your musical journey...
peace&love, ralf